Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD


NHTSA Proposes New Vehicle Design Rules to Protect Pedestrians

Taller, larger vehicles such as SUVs and pickup trucks cause more fatal pedestrian accidents than other motor vehicles, according to traffic safety experts. That's why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recently suggested making proposed rule changes to prevent pedestrian accidents caused by these larger, taller vehicles. "We have a crisis of roadway deaths,...

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Fatal Pedestrian Crashes Surge in Maryland Despite Nationwide Decline

In a glimmer of hope for road safety advocates, fatal pedestrian crashes across the United States saw a modest decrease in 2023. The Governor's Highway Safety Association's latest report reveals a 5% drop in these tragic incidents compared to the previous year. However, the numbers remain significantly higher than pre-pandemic levels and have increased by...

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Maryland Motorcycle Accidents Often Result in Severe Injury

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month Motorcycles offer a convenient means of transportation, particularly in Maryland's warmer months. However, the state sees its share of motorcycle accidents, which can have severe consequences. According to the Maryland Department of Transportation (Maryland DOT), these accidents often result in serious injuries or fatalities. “When there is a crash...

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Maryland State Police Crack Down on Distracted Driving During Awareness Month

Distracted driving may seem harmless, but even a momentary lapse in attention can result in a car accident with devastating consequences. From checking smartphones to adjusting navigation systems, distractions behind the wheel have become alarmingly common among drivers in Maryland, posing serious risks to everyone on the road. As Maryland State Police intensify their efforts...

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Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused By Car Accidents

Brain injuries can have a profound impact on crash victims. Navigating the aftermath of a car accident in Maryland can be overwhelming, especially when it results in a traumatic brain injury (TBI). These injuries, often stemming from the forceful impact of motor vehicle collisions, can have deep and lasting effects on individuals' lives. If you or...

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Montgomery County Secures State Funding for Pedestrian Safety

What pedestrian improvement projects are slated for Montgomery County? Montgomery County, Maryland recently received $87 million in state funding, which includes millions of dollars designated for pedestrian improvement projects designed to prevent pedestrian accidents, according to My Montgomery County Media. "These funds will allow us to invest in infrastructure that will be more equitable, efficient...

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