Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

Personal Injury FAQ

Answers you can trust from experienced personal injury lawyers in Maryland

Navigating the aftermath of a personal injury in Maryland can be a confusing and uncertain process. Determining whether your situation qualifies as a personal injury case adds an additional layer of complexity. In such times, having access to reliable information becomes crucial.

Below, we provide answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about personal injury claims, drawing from the extensive experience of our Maryland personal injury attorneys at Goldberg Finnegan.

If you don't find the specific information you're seeking, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a free case evaluation with one of our experienced lawyers. Even if your question is listed, we recommend scheduling an appointment promptly, as each legal case presents its own unique challenges.

What is your personal injury question?

What is a personal injury claim?

In legal terms, a personal injury is an accident in which the following situations occurred:

  • The person or business who caused your injury has a “duty of care,” which means they have a legal responsibility to make sure an injury does not occur.
  • Injury occurred due to someone else’s negligence, often sometimes known as a “breach of duty.”
  • Injury resulted in a financial loss.

If your injury meets all these criteria, you likely have a strong personal injury case. And if you’re not sure, simply talk to a lawyer. They can help you better understand your legal rights and options.

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Should I call the police after my personal injury?

When in doubt, always call the police if you believe any laws have been broken or your rights have been violated. That’s their job. Also, by calling the police, you’ll have an official record of your complaint. And if you or anyone else is seriously injured, the police dispatcher can send an ambulance and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) to care for you. Your health and your rights should always come first.

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Who investigates personal injuries?

Because personal injuries can cover such a wide range, many different law enforcement agencies might investigate your accident, including local police, building inspectors, or state police.

In addition, the insurance company responsible for paying injury victims often investigates such accidents. Insurance companies do this because they’re often looking for evidence they can use to avoid paying victims.

This is why you should have a personal injury lawyer conducting your own independent investigation. That way, you can make sure the facts about your case are presented in support of your injury claim or lawsuit.

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Who’s responsible for paying for my damages?

Maryland has an at-fault system when it comes to many injury claims involving negligence. So, depending on what type of accident or injury you’re dealing with, the at-fault party responsible for paying for your injury-related expenses could include:

  • Person who caused your injury.
  • Property owner where your injury took place.
  • Dog owner whose dog bit or attacked you.
  • Business owner that manufactured dangerous product that caused your injury.
  • Insurance company for at-fault party.

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Should I accept a settlement offer?

Sometimes, you might receive a settlement offer to pay for your injury-related expenses. You might be tempted to accept such an offer, especially if you have a lot of bills and expenses due to your injury.

But before you agree to accept a settlement offer, it’s important to understand how settlement offers work. A settlement is a one-time payment meant to pay for all past, present, and future expenses related to your injury.

So, if you do accept a settlement payment, you cannot ask for any additional money in the future, even if your expenses turn out to be significantly higher. This is why you should always carefully consider any settlement offer before agreeing to accept it.

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Can I ask for more money for my injury claim?

Yes. However, you can only do so before you accept a settlement offer. So, if you think your settlement offer is not enough money – which is often the case – you can negotiate a better settlement offer. And often, the best way to do this is by having an experienced attorney negotiating your settlement offer on your behalf.

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How much is my personal injury worth?

There’s no set dollar amount when it comes to certain types of injuries or cases. The bottom line is you should be financially compensated for all your injury-related expenses, now and in the future. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you understand which expenses that includes and can work with you to get you the money you deserve.

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What expenses can I be compensated for?

You should be financially compensated for all your injury-related expenses, including:

  • Cost of all medical care, including future medical treatments, even if they occur years later.
  • Money to replace property damaged in your accident.
  • Replacement income if you are unable to work due to your injury.
  • Lost future income if you cannot return to work due to a permanent disability sustained in your accident.

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Should I file a personal injury lawsuit?

Sometimes, the best way to get the money you deserve is to take legal action and file a personal injury lawsuit. This is especially true in the following situations:

  • You receive a lowball settlement offer that doesn’t cover all your expenses.
  • The at-fault party’s insurance company refuses to increase its settlement offer.
  • Your personal injury claim is denied.

Deciding whether to file a lawsuit is a very difficult decision. The personal injury lawsuit process in Maryland can be very complicated and confusing as well. That’s why it’s important to carefully consider all your options. That’s why our attorneys want to meet with you.

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How long do I have to take legal action?

In Maryland, you have three (3) years to file a personal injury lawsuit, according to Maryland Code Section 5-109. This deadline is known as the statute of limitations. But just because you have three years doesn’t mean you should wait that long to take legal action. The reason why is the evidence you need to build a strong legal case could lost, destroyed, or forgotten long before then.

This is why you should start seriously considering whether to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking damages. And one of the best ways to do that is to talk to an attorney at our law firm, free of charge. We can answer your questions and explain all your options during your free case evaluation.

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Why should I hire a personal injury lawyer?

Personal injury claims and lawsuits often turn out to be very complicated legal cases. They can also quickly turn very combative. The person who caused your injury might deny doing anything wrong. The at-fault party responsible for paying you might refuse to do so. Insurance companies and their attorneys can also often be impossible to deal with after a serious accident.

An experienced, dedicated Maryland personal injury attorney can often make a dramatic difference in your case. Your lawyer can investigate what happened. They can gather evidence in support of your claim. They can negotiate a settlement offer on your behalf. And if the person or business responsible for compensating you refuses to cooperate, your attorney can take aggressive legal action and file a personal injury lawsuit seeking damages.

Take back control. Contact our law firm and schedule a free case evaluation with a Maryland personal injury attorney you can count on when it matters the most. Contact Goldberg Finnegan.

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