Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

Were you injured in a speed-related accident in Maryland?

Our attorneys can fight for the compensation you deserve

Speed-related car accidents in Maryland remain a serious problem. In an instant, you can sustain a serious injury due to someone driving too fast on I-495 or another major road or highway in Silver Spring or Prince George’s County.

When this happens, it’s critical that injury victims take strong legal action immediately to protect their rights. That’s why our attorneys at Goldberg Finnegan want to meet with you.

Our lawyers have years of experience dealing with high-speed accidents throughout Maryland. We know what evidence to look for, what questions to ask, and how to build a strong legal case. If you were hit and injured by someone who was speeding, our attorneys can help you fight for the compensation you deserve.

Speed-related crashes in Maryland

Despite years of warnings and educational messages, speeding remains one of the leading causes of car accidents in Maryland and nationwide. Each year, an estimated 29 percent of all car accident fatalities nationwide occur due to speeders, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The same is true in Maryland. An estimated 29 percent of car accident deaths statewide occur each year due to speeding drivers. And more than 2,500 people each year on average in Maryland sustain a serious injury in a car crash caused by a speeding driver, according to the latest Maryland Department of Transportation data.

What makes speeding dangerous?

There are two main reasons why speeding is so dangerous. First, speeding drivers have less time to react to other cars and situations on the road. As a result, the odds of being involved in a crash with another motorist, pedestrian, or cyclist are much more likely.

Second, a vehicle traveling at a fast speed releases more force when it crashes into another vehicle or object. As a result, high-speed collisions often cause more damage and more severe injuries. This is especially true for highway accidents and head-on collisions. The faster someone is driving, the more serious the accident.

What’s the value of my claim?

There’s no one set formula when it comes to compensation for accident claims. The bottom line is you should be financially compensated for all your accident-related expenses, including:

  • Medical care to treat accident-related injuries, including future, follow-up medical treatments.
  • Vehicle repairs or the cost of buying a new car if it’s a total loss.
  • Replacement income if you need time off from work to recover from your car accident injury.
  • Lost future income if you are unable to work or can only work in a reduced capacity in the future due to a permanent disability.

If you were hit by a speeding driver, we can protect your legal rights

You might think you don’t need a lawyer to recover your losses if a speeding driver hits you. Unfortunately, these accidents often turn into complicated legal cases. Sometimes, it’s because the at-fault driver denies doing anything wrong.

Other times, it’s because the at-fault driver’s insurance company does everything they can to pay you as little as possible or nothing at all. That’s when having an experienced Maryland car accident lawyer on your side can make a dramatic difference in the outcome of your case.

Our attorneys know how to deal with insurance companies and can negotiate the best possible settlement offer. And if they refuse to cooperate, we aren’t afraid to file a car accident lawsuit on your behalf and represent your interests in court.

A serious car crash can turn your life upside down. We can help you put your life back on track. Contact us and schedule your free case evaluation to see what our law firm can do for you.

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