Personal Injury Lawyer Silver Spring, MD

Fatal Truck Accident Lawyers in Silver Spring, MD

Our attorneys know how to demand justice for grieving families

Weighing upwards of 80,000 lbs. and potentially hauling tons of freight, collisions with large trucks are often fatal for people in smaller vehicles and pedestrians. Losing a loved one in a fatal truck accident is very painful. When someone else’s negligence is the reason for the crash, you want that person to be held accountable.

Trucking accident claims are complex – even more so when a collision results in death. You need an experienced Maryland truck accident lawyer to guide you through the legal process. Goldberg Finnegan has decades of experience investigating truck accidents and building strong cases that demand justice and compensation. If you have a loved one who was killed in a Maryland truck accident, we can provide you with compassionate, dedicated legal representation that gets results. Contact us for a free case evaluation.

Fatal truck accident causes in Maryland

In an average year, there are more than 4,000 fatal truck accidents nationwide. About 60 of those deadly crashes take place in Maryland. Trucking accidents resulting in death are complex due to various factors, including the size and weight of commercial trucks, potential multiple liable parties (such as the driver, trucking company, or manufacturer), and the need to establish negligence or fault. Additionally, these cases often involve intricate regulations, extensive investigations, and significant damages, making them challenging and high stakes.

The list of reasons is long. But no matter what the reason is, our Silver Spring truck accident attorneys can fight to hold accountable the negligent trucking company, trucker, or other liable party.

Common factors in fatal Maryland truck accidents include:

  • Improperly loaded or overloaded freight, cargo shift
  • Alcohol, drugs, drunk driving
  • Truck driver fatigue
  • Trucker inexperience and/or lack of training
  • Aggressive driving, road rage
  • Faulty brakes
  • Tire blowout
  • Speeding
  • Defective truck parts

Filing a wrongful death lawsuit after a truck accident

Circumstances will determine the legal options available to the surviving family of fatal truck accident victims. However, when negligence is the root cause, most people choose to file a wrongful death lawsuit or claim. It provides compensation to the survivors, addressing their financial and emotional losses. Additionally, it can act as a deterrent, discouraging similar negligence or wrongdoing in the future, contributing to a sense of justice being served.

Every state has its own laws about who can take wrongful death action and compensation. In Maryland, only the victim's spouse, children, or parents can file a wrongful death lawsuit. If none of these people are available, any member of the family who was dependent on the victim can sue. The goal is to hold the responsible party legally accountable and seek compensation for the survivors' losses.

What expenses can I be compensated for?

Common types of wrongful death compensation in Maryland include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral costs
  • Loss of contribution to household
  • Loss of counsel
  • Loss of marital care
  • Pain and suffering

Maryland puts a limit or “cap” on how much a person can recover for non-economic damages like mental anguish. As of 2021, the cap is over $840,000 for a single beneficiary and 150 percent of the cap if there are multiple beneficiaries. By law, the cap increases annually.

We can help you pursue justice with a wrongful death claim

There are many examples of negligence that can lead to a fatal accident. The trucking company may have hired a driver who did not have a safe driving record. Maybe they gave the driver an unrealistic schedule that led to fatigue and speeding. Or the company may have failed to properly maintain the truck, replace worn tires, or make needed repairs. You may have a case against a faulty parts manufacturer if a truck defect or malfunction contributed to the accident that killed your loved one.

At Goldberg Finnegan, our priority is to fight for you. Our dedicated Maryland fatal truck accident lawyers are experienced in federal and state traffic laws. We make every effort to ensure you get the justice and compensation you deserve. If you are the close family of a Maryland fatal truck accident victim, contact us for a free case evaluation. A member of our team can listen to the details of what happened, answer questions, explain options, and help you decide on the next steps. We will demand justice for you and your loved one. And although no amount of money can make up for the loss, our truck accident attorneys will make every effort to ensure you see maximum compensation.

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